TicBits turns 3!
Hey everyone and first off sorry for the long delay in-between posts. But rest assured we're FAAAR from dead. We've got some exciting news to share in honor of TicBits turning 3 today!
Hope you're ready because here we go...
First off, today we're happy to show off our latest game! It's a new word association game called Word Strike. In Word Strike you're presented with four words and a bunch of letters. It's now your job to guess what word associates to these four words.

Word Strike is available for free the AppStore, it's a universal app so the same app works on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Get it from here "Word Strike @ AppStore" and let us know what you think!
iAssociate 3
It's time to let the cat out of the bag, or in this case, the owl. Ever since last year's summer we've had something brewing in our office: iAssociate 3. Yes, it's coming and it's coming soon.

With iAssociate 3 we're building the best iAssociate experience. We couldn't be more excited about iAssociate 3 and can't wait to show more of it. It'll be available at launch for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
In the meantime, if there's anything you'd want to see in iAssociate 3, let us know either by posting in the comment field below or emailing us at info@ticbits.com!
That's it for now. But until next time, go on and download Word Strike! ;)